

Are Convenience Foods” Actually Convenient for Our Health

Buying premade or pre prepared food can seem like a good idea because it has the illusion of saving you time, but it is just that – an illusion. Often times convenient items will have undesirable ingredients.  For example, added chemicals, are less fresh, and are more expensive than preparing them at home.

Not only is buying convenience foods bad for your budget, but they’re also detrimental to the environment.  A reason being, because of the single-use packaging. When you open a packaged food or beverage it begins to lose nutritional value.  Also, the longer it has been opened the less nutritional value it has. The same is true when you slice, chop or otherwise cut up food. Therefore the nutritional value of the pre-cut, items has already decreased before you even bring it home from the grocery store.  This gives you and your family less of the desired nutrients to stay healthy and thrive.

“Convenience” foods, Creating your Own

1. Choose whole fruits instead of pre-chopped fruits.  If you’re feeling crunched for time, choose whole fruit that is already snack friendly like apples, grapes, kiwi, or

2. Choose whole leafy greens. Chop them up instead of premade leafy green salads. The bonus will be that the salad will keep longer in the refrigerator.

3. Take 30 minutes to prepare vegetables at the start of the week – or once you bring them home from the grocery store.  This is so they are prepped and ready for the rest of the week.

4. Make your own cheese and cracker snack instead of buying prepackaged cheese, cracker, and meat trays.

5. Choose quick oats or old-fashioned oats instead of instant oatmeal packets. The packets usually have added sugar causing a blood sugar spike. The time saved with packets is minimal. If rushed in the morning, make overnight oats the night before by combining oats, a “milk” of choice, fruit (optional), nuts (optional) and yogurt (added protein). Place it in the fridge the night before and it will be ready to grab and go the next morning.

6. Buy plain rice and add your spices at home instead of the flavored rice mixes. Adding some frozen vegetables will increase the nutritional value.

7. If a recipe calls for breadcrumbs, use oats or crushed crackers instead of buying prepared breadcrumbs.

8. Buy dry pasta and sauce separate instead of frozen pasta meals and canned pasta.

9. Buy a whole block of cheese to slice or grate at home instead of buying pre-sliced or pre-grated cheese. This will give you more flavor and the cheese will melt better in your recipes. Pre-shredded cheese is dusted with an ingredient to keep it from clumping.

10. Choose to cook side dishes at home, so you don’t end up paying more for less! Frozen vegetables are a great, and time-saving item that still provides your family with quality nutrition.

11. When considering protein sources, remember that beans are a great source; you can swap the meat for beans to cut costs. Dry beans are even less expensive than canned beans!

12. Buy regular fresh or frozen meat instead of meat pre-seasoned and skewered. Larger cuts usually cost less per pound and most butchers at the meat counter will cut it the way you want it for free.

13. When preparing a meal cook extra. Portion the left overs into size-appropriate freezer containers, label and freeze. You now have a quick meal on those days you forgot to prepare.

With a little effort and planning you can keep convenience for the busy days affordable AND nutritious.

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