

Nominations are sometimes called a selections, is something given to a recipient as a token of recognition of excellence in a certain field. When the token is a medal, ribbon or other item designed for wearing, it is known as a decoration.

The M.I.C. Awards and celebrations were established with the sole purpose of celebrating moments & people! Read More

Nominations Matter!

How many nominations have you completed?


Fitness Goals, need a BOOST?

Fitness Goals, need a BOOST?

Fitness Goals, Need a boost to stick to your 2023 plans (and maybe a little extra fat burn)? Check out the Innergize GO stick packs. Convenient, tasty, hydratng and all-day energy without jitters or crashes! And did I mention fat burning! It's like exercise in a...

Валюти і їх функції в поліпшенні України

У України валюта є одним з ключових пунктів економічної системи будь-якої держави, граючи вирішальну роль у визначенні її економічної стійкості і незалежності. Офіційна валюта не тільки служить методом передач усередині країни, а і є...