

Honey 411

Honey is often used as a natural substitute for sugar.  It is absorbed a little slower and also contains some key vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.  The raw version also imparts health benefits to the body.

Honey Health

  • HEART HEALTH: Studies on PubMed show honey having a positive effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease.  It has been shown to lower triglyceride levels, improve health cholesterol (HDL), and lower blood sugars over time.  It can decrease C-reactive protein levels, an indicator of inflammation, reducing the chance of an arterial inflammatory heart attack.
  • SORE THROAT RELIEF: Did you know that honey never goes bad?  It has antibacterial properties along with the anti-inflammatory ones, making it a great option to soothe a sore throat or inflamed mouth.
  • WOUND HEALING:  Medical grade honey, with its natural hydrogen peroxide, can be applied topically to treat burns and wounds.   Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis also benefit from a honey application.  
  • SKIN CARE:  Raw honey is a common ingredient in natural skin care.  It balances the bacteria on your skin which makes it an excellent treatment for acne. Honey is emollient, humectant, and soothing; it retards wrinkle formation and regulates pH.  Honey is loaded with anti-aging ingredients similar to those found in anti-wrinkle creams.
  • BRAIN HEALTH:  Raw honey has anticonvulsant, antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties that may contribute to better neurological health.  There have been studies suggesting I may improve memory.
  • GUT HEALTH:  The antibacterial properties of pure honey can ease acid reflux, stomach ulcers and diarrhea. Adding honey to raw apple cider vinegar has been touted as an excellent way to stave off acid reflux.  Honey has been used as a digestion aid.  
  • ORAL HEALTH:  According to Healthline, dark honey can destroy harmful oral bacteria and fight plaque, tooth decay, gingivitis and gum inflammation.  It is not a substitute for brushing your teeth.


It makes a great substitute for white sugar in baking and sweet and savory dishes. Darker honeys, such as buckwheat and manuka, are less watered down and typically have more potent health properties. Most honey is heavily processed before being sold in stores, negating any health improving properties.  Raw honey is not pasteurized so maintains more benefits.  Check the labels.  it should be the only ingredient.  Your best bet, if possible, is to get it directly from the hives.

Any form of “sugar” will affect your blood sugars so make sure you are consulting with your doctor or dietician if you have blood sugar issues.  When you crave something sweet it is good to know that you have healthier options than just the standard processed sugar.

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