

BORED EATING, it does exist! 

Are there times you eat, not because you are hungry but because you have nothing else to do OR this is the time you always have that bedtime snack or afternoon boost, whether you need it or not. Even eating something “healthy” at this time is still putting extra food into my body when it is not needed.

I have a tendency to snack in the car because it is a habit. Not having anything available in the car has helped me break that habit.

If you recognize yourself doing this, the key is to replace it with an activity not involving food. Replace the urge often enough and you will have created a healthier habit.

BORED EATING, activity options to consider 

  • Call someone, especially someone who knows your desire to change this habit. It is rude to eat while you are talking on the phone and the distraction of “catching up” will get your mind off of eating.
  • Dance. Maybe not while you are in public or driving, but if you are at home or in a closed door office, cut a rug! Put on your favorite, make-you-move song or genre and dance like no one is watching. Not only will it take your mind off of eating but you will burn some extra calories too.
  • Take a walk, even if it is just around the block or the office. Take in your surroundings and breathe. Bonus: extra calories burned, and if outside you get some Vitamin D. Better yet, take the dog with you. (borrow the neighbors if you don’t have one and earn brownie points that have no calories).
  • Listen to a book on tape or a podcast. This is great if you are driving on a trip when you’d otherwise be tempted to snack or sip.
    If driving play music you HAVE to sing along to. Hard to eat when you are belting out Sweet Caroline!
  • Do a jigsaw, crossword or other brain puzzle. It will fill up time, get your mind off food and stimulate the brain. Studies show that doing brain puzzles could even prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
  • Plan next week’s meals. If you are having cravings, put them to good use by applying them (in a healthy way) to your future menu. This will give you the opportunity to feed your cravings but make sure they have a healthy edge to them.
  • Play with your kids, grandkids or even the neighbor’s kids. No kids available? Visit your neighbor. Invite them to a card or board game, or something more active like yard golf. You will build your relationship with your neighbors in the process.
  • Write down what you have already eaten today. The list will most likely help silence the snack that’s calling your name.
  • Tackle a cleaning chore you’ve been dreading. Your sense of accomplishment will improve your mood and your lack of mindless eating will be a plus!
  • Brush your teeth. Most foods and drinks don’t taste good after toothpaste, so brushing could curb cravings and promote good oral hygiene as a plus.
  • Vacuum out your car. You’ll burn calories and enjoy the short-lived satisfaction of a clean ride.
  • Sip on some water or unsweetened tea. Often people mistake thirst for hunger.
  • Start learning a new language or a new hobby. Continuous learning keeps the brain fit.
  • Pack a donation box. Look around the house for neglected items—clothes, dishes, electronics or anything you haven’t used in the past year—and prepare a package to donate to a local shelter or thrift shop.
    Give yourself a facial, pedicure or manicure. This is a great way to reward or pamper yourself without using food. (Fact: You can’t open a bag of chips when you have wet nails.)
  • Go shopping in your closet. Start in the back and try on anything you haven’t worn in a while. You just might discover that some items from your “too-small stash” fit better than ever before. Great time to pack that donation box too.
  • Empty your kitchen cabinets, pitch or donate what you haven’t used in the past year and then organize what’s left. You’ll reap the benefits for the whole next year.
    Use some essential oils to relax, recharge and stimulate a sense other than taste.
    Make something. This might be a crocheted blanket, a painting, a poem—anything that didn’t exist before today.
  • Next time you’re tempted to open the fridge or pantry, sit down and make your own list of ways to avoid mindless eating. Include activities you enjoy, new things you’ve been meaning to try or stuff you’ve been neglecting. Be creative!
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